Best Star Wars Legends Book to Start With
Source: Random House

Best Star Wars Legends Book to Start With

The best Star Wars Legends book to start with is The Truce at Bakura. Hundreds of books are set in the Legends timeline, making pinning down the best one to read almost impossible. After all, it’s an entirely subjective question. However, there are a few good reasons that make this one of the easiest novels to start with.

What’s the best Star Wars Legends novel to start with?

There are a few reasons The Truce at Bakura is the best Star Wars Legends book to start with:

  • It takes place directly after the Battle of Endor.
  • It only requires you to know what happened in the original trilogy.
  • It’s a standalone story.
  • The writing is decent.

If you’re looking to get into the Star Wars Legends continuity, it’s likely because you find the canon unsatisfying. You probably find the sequel trilogy to be absolutely horrible and wish there was another fate for Luke, Leia, Han, and the New Republic. If so, The Truce at Bakura is the place to start since it picks up the day after the Battle of Endor.

The Truce at Bakura was written in 1993, which is when the Expanded Universe was just starting to gain steam. So, you don’t have to know anything about the other novels up to that point. The only prerequisite is that you’ve seen the original trilogy (A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi).

You also don’t have to worry about committing to a multi-part series. This novel is a standalone story that’s a relatively short, 320 pages. It’s a fast read, and a great pick to ignite a desire to experience more of waht Legends has to offer.

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