Survival Fountain of Youth Release Date Xbox Series X S Console

Survival Fountain of Youth Release Date for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S

The Survival Fountain of Youth release date for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S is something publisher Twin Sails Interactive and developer Odinsoft is still working on. The game has only just released in Steam Early Access on April 19, 2023, but with many players already praising the single-player survival game in its early state, many are hoping that it arrives on consoles too. Here’s what we know so far about Survival Fountain of Youth coming to PlayStation and Xbox platforms.

What is the Survival Fountain of Youth release date for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S?

The Survival Fountain of Youth release date for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S is currently slated for Q2 2024 at the earliest. This is based on details that the developer has provided in various places.

As noted by the description in the official early access trailer for the game on IGN’s YouTube channel posted on February 2023, the game is slated to release on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S when the game is ready to launch in version 1.0.

So then when that be? Well, the game’s Steam page says that the developers estimate the game to remain in early access for around 12 months. Piecing together all of the info, that’s how we came up with the optimistic console release date for the game of Q2 2024.

That said, there’s always a chance for delays and changes in the roadmap for updates and features. The process of getting a game approved for Xbox and PlayStation platforms isn’t an easy one, either.

For more guides on console release dates, here’s when Ravenswatch, The Finals, and Unrecord will be coming to PlayStation and Xbox platforms.

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