Terraria Cross Platform Crossplay

Is Terraria Cross-Platform in 2023 Between PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Android, and iOS?

The Terraria cross-platform and crossplay feature across multiple platforms is fairly complicated in 2023. Between PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, P55, PS4, Android, and iOS, there are a lot of places that players can play the popular game, but only some of them allow you to create a multiplayer session with friends on other systems. While Terraria has been out for a decade at this point, developer Re-Logic does have exciting news on the game’s future crossplay plans. For now, here are the platforms allowed for Terraria crossplay so far.

Is Terraria crossplay between platforms?

Yes, Terraria crossplay and cross-platform multiplayer are allowed on certain consoles, but there are restrictions that separate the game between different families of platforms.

Specifically, iOS and Android users can play with each other. Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One users can too, while PS5 and PS4 users can as well. Those are the official ways that Terraria cross-platform play works.

For those who are tech-savvy, there is a way for PC players to join with those on mobile. By downloading the server software TShock in addition to the Crossplay mod available on GitHub, a PC player can set up a session of Terraria that iOS and Android users can enter.

That said, Terraria will be getting crossplay across all platforms hopefully by this year. Developer Re-Logic in a Steam blog post on late March of 2023 stated that it has already prepped the technical backend for cross-platform play, which required a “massive internal systems upgrade” and “a huge rework of the Xbox backend.” After they finish update 1.4.5 for the game, they will start primary work on crossplay.

For more guides on crossplay in gaming, here’s if XDefiant, Dead Island 2, and Minecraft Legends are cross-platform.

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