dead island 2 crashing startup fix

Dead Island 2 Crashing on PC: How To Fix Crash on Startup Error

For some players, Dead Island 2 on PC is crashing to desktop. When loading a save, it can immediately shut down after a black screen. Here’s what’s happening and how you might fix Dead Island 2 crashing on PC.

Why is Dead Island 2 crashing on startup?

If Dead Island 2 won’t start at all, or won’t load your save, try these universal fixes. These will fix any errors in your game files or resolve driver issues.

  • Verify Files – Head to Manage Game in the Epic Games launcher to find this option.
  • Check your GPU drivers are up to date – NVIDIA has game-ready drivers for Dead Island 2, so ensure you have these installed.
  • Check you’re using your dedicated GPU – Dead Island 2 may default to your integrated graphics.

If you can access Dead Island 2’s settings menu, change these options to fix the game crashing.

  • Disable AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.
  • Run the game in Fullscreen.
  • Lower Effects to Medium or Low.
  • Check you aren’t allowing the game to use unlimited video card memory.

Dead Island 2 is crashing due to your settings or the hardware configuration. There isn’t an established bug causing Dead Island 2 to crash on PC, but performing these steps should resolve the issue.

Once Dead Island 2 is working, start strong with the best Dead Island 2 character.

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