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Image: Warner Bros.

Welcome to Derry Release Date Rumors, Is It on Netflix or HBO Max?

IT fans are wondering exactly what the Welcome to Derry release date is, and whether they can watch the series on HBO Max or Netflix. The show serves as a prequel to the Stephen King horror, which was recently brought to life across two feature-length movies by director Andy Muschietti. Here is what we know about when Welcome to Derry is coming out, and where you can watch it.

Is there a Welcome to Derry release date?

Welcome to Derry will be released at some point in 2024. No official release date has yet been set for the series.

The show is set in the 1960s and focuses on the origin story for the villainous Pennywise. Muschietti returns to direct several of the episodes, and will co-write alongside his sister, Barbara Muschietti. Co-showrunners include Brad Caleb Kane, and Jason Fuchs.

Where can you watch Welcome to Derry?

Welcome to Derry will be available to watch on the streaming service Max, formerly known as HBO Max.

As the series is a Warner Bros. production, it will not be available to stream on Netflix or other streaming platforms.

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