The Witcher Season 3 Release Date Volume 1 2

The Witcher Season 3 Release Date: When Is Volume 1 and 2 Coming Out?

The Witcher Season 3 release date has finally been revealed by Netflix, including when both Volume 1 and Volume 2 will be coming out. The trailer for it is sadly bittersweet, though, as Henry Cavill will not be playing Geralt in later seasons, but we should still appreciate his performance for as long as we have him around. Here’s when The Witcher Season 3 will be available on Netflix.

What is The Witcher Season 3 release date for Volume 1 and 2?

The Witcher Season 3 release date is June 29 for Volume 1, and June 27 for Volume 2. This has been confirmed by the official teaser trailer on Netflix’s YouTube channel, and follow earlier predictions that it would release in the summer this year.

It’s unclear how many episodes the third season will have, but going off of the first two seasons, both Volume 1 and 2 should be about four episodes each. Per usual, since The Witcher is completely owned and produced by Netflix, we won’t see it on competing streaming services like Disney Plus, Amazon Prime, Paramount Plus, or HBO Max.

Season 3 will continue where the series left off, with Geralt and Yennefer trying to protect Ciri from behind hunted down by Nilfgaard and likely other entities. We’ll have to see how much the season’s story will take from the The Witcher book Time of Contempt, which introduces a criminal gang named The Rats. Luckily, Season 4 for The Witcher has already been greenlit, so Season 3 will not be the end of the road.

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