Warzone 2 Ranked Play Release Date

Warzone 2 Ranked Play Release Date: When Is WZ Ranked Coming in Season 3?

The Warzone 2 Ranked Play release date is confusing a lot of Call of Duty players. Even with all the official blogs and news posts, trying to figure out when WZ Ranked mode is finally coming out in Season 3 is frustrating. It was supposed to arrive at the start of the season, but then it was pushed to some time mid-season. And then the latest Plunder trailer suggested that it might release sooner than later. So to make things clear, here’s when Warzone 2 ranked play is arriving.

What is the Warzone 2 Ranked release date?

The Warzone 2 Ranked play release date is expected to be May 10, which is when the MW2 and Warzone 2 Season 3 Reloaded update is set to release. This is according to a clarification from CharlieIntel. At the bare minimum, the developers promises to share more information about ranked play then.

According to the Warzone 2 Season 3 summary, WZ Ranked has always been planned to release in the middle of the season. The developers want players to focus on the revamped Plunder mode in order to prepare for Ranked Play in the future. Warzone 2 ranked play will challenge the best players to become one of the Top 250 players in the mode.

For more guides on Warzone 2, here are the latest patch notes for the game on April 11 and on April 19.

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