Tears of the Kingdom Demo Legend of Zelda

Is There a Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Demo?

The Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom demo is something that Zelda players want. There are several articles that indicate that a demo exists, with many new previews for the game suggesting that there may be one for fans to try. Nintendo has been rather tight-lipped when it comes to showing off gameplay for the latest The Legend of Zelda game, so it’s understandable that people want to try the game for themselves.

Does a Tears of the Kingdom demo exist?

Unfortunately, a Tears of the Kingdom demo is not available on Nintendo Switch. Some of the confusion comes from several previews that use the word “demo” to describe the gameplay build that writers tried. Technically, that’s not the wrong word to use, but it can make some people believe that a public demo for the game is or will be available.

That said, a demo would be a bit too good to be true, since Nintendo is not in the habit of making demos for any of its mainline games. So the fact that there is no demo for this Legend of Zelda game isn’t too surprising.

For more news and guides on Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the revealed Special Edition for the game comes with a bonus spoon and weapon durability was confirmed in gameplay footage.

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